Monday, July 24, 2006

My first entry

I want to let every body know what to expect while you are visiting my blog.
1. I'm not very good at typing so quite frequently you will see obvious mistakes.
2. I somehow someway lost most of my ability to spell and you wont always get whats correct.
3. I'm starting this blog partly because my wife hasn't stopped bugging me about it and because I'm a little interested. I don't know what is going to end up on these pages. So ya have to give me a break.

There is probably more thing to add but as of now I cant think of any. I will keep everyone up to date on my progress.

Now I'm stuck so I'll talk to you later.


Jeff said...

Congrats, We are now officially computer dorks! Don't worry, If it wern't for spell check I'd never have anything spelled right!

Unknown said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! Let me know if you need help getting your blog setup, but it looks like you've figured it out pretty well. My rule for what I blog is that I try and make it as honest a reflection of me as possible, but I know that my mother reads it.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested