Monday, March 17, 2008

Work and kids

You all know what I mean. That's all I seem to do. Don't get me wrong I love my girls dearly and my work, well I guess I don't care for that place much but I just feel as though that's all my life consists of. I wish that I could spend time with my wife. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even married. I'm at work every day till dark and half the time Dana is at work when I get home. This week she is working a lot of hours and with me going to Buffalo last week I won't get to see her but in passing for a couple weeks. That really sucks! Dana is my best friend and soul mate and spending that much time with out her in my everyday life is something I would never want to get used to. Our lives as of the last year or so have been pretty hectic with all of our kids injuries Dana going to school and The raising of a one/two yr old. Not to mention my hours that fluctuate like they do. I want some stability in our lives so that we can plan thing out go places and spend more time together. I'm sorry if i sound like I'm whining or feeling sorry for myself, I guess I really miss Dana. I love you honey!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

"Wipe my butt mommy!"

The title to this photo was an actual quote from Makenna. Any one who knows her, knows that she was yelling this at the top of her lungs. I think this picture is a good example of how life is in our house. The whole family was sitting around the dinner table as this was going on. Makenna was originally sitting with us but she had a poop alert and mom put her down next to the table while we ate. Thankfully she didn't stink the place up! I'm not used to eating next to a pile.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Wedding weekend

Friday night Will and Monica were hitched. It was a great wedding. We started off at the MSU Chapel which I liked a lot. It was a little smaller than I thought it was going to be but nice and intimate. Noel, Will and Monica's pastor, was great. I liked the way he spoke and I'm interested to see him in church. The reception was at a golf club 3 miles away which took us about 25 minutes to get to. Brad Jeffrey, my alcoholic friend was kind enough to hook me up with a little half pint to keep in my jacket pocket for the night. That was a very nice touch. Dana had a great time dancing. It seemed that every time I looked for her she was out on the dance floor, shakin what her mama gave her. At the end of the night we ended up back at our hotel room where the celebration continued. I think we ended up in bed around 4ish. It was a fun night in all and I hope that The Browns enjoy them selves as much as every one else. The next morning feeling a little hung the Brown's, Kurt's, Kohne's, Haase's, and Schultz's all went to breakfast before we all headed home.

Yesterday Dana and I had a very slow day not doing too much. Dana was able to get a good nap in with Kenna, sleeping until almost 7. I think they needed it. That night the girls had some movies picked out to watch up stairs in their room which allowed Dana and I took watch one of our own. About half through our movie Our niece was dropped off at our house for us to watch. Her Parents were going to an annual party. We saw Reign On Me, which is a great Who song. The movie doesn't have any action in it and I was surprised that I was able to stay awake for the whole thing. Sad to watch how someone could become from the death of loved ones.

Today I woke up nice and early. Some how The kids especially Kenna, always seem to wake up early when Dana has to work on Saturdays. She jumped in bed bed with me wanting a tissue. She was coughing like crazy and had a nasty runny nose complete with some juicy green bugs. Nice! Today was the opening day at our new church and combined with how I still felt, an extra kid, and 1 and a half sick kids I didn't make it. There is some good basket ball on today and some house cleaning that need to be done, so right now I'm trying to motivate myself to get up and get moving. I somehow have a deal with the kids to get them some ice cream. Should be a good day today, as soon as I get it going.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Been a Long Time

This morning was awesome! I went out to start my car and to let it warm up. As this was happening I started brushing my car off. When I was done I went to put my brush back in my car, but for some reason my car door wasn't opening! I somehow locked my car door, with it running. NICE! Come to find out we don't have car side assistance with our insurance. So I had to have Corrigan Towing come out and break in. Mean while I was getting later and later for work. The later I leave in morning the more the traffic. Great! I had to take Dana's van to work, where I didn't arrive until 7:30. About a hour and a half late. Not to mention the 45 bucks we had to shell out because of my stupidity. What a crappy morning it's has been.

I just noticed that my last blog posting was over a year ago. I'm a little late! I have had soo much happen to my family and I in the past year I couldn't possibly go over it all.

This Friday Dana and I are going to Will and Monica's wedding. I'm taking a half day on Friday to get home in time to get ready. Check in for the room we are staying in is at 3:00(yes we are staying the night) and the wedding starts at 6:30. This should be a great night. Aside from getting to witness two great people start their journey of life together, we are going to get to get out of the house together. Dana and I don't get to get out as much as we would like. Usually if one goes out the other is hangin with the kids. This should be fun.

I don't have any cool pictures or quotes as of now! I'm just warming up to this blog thing again.