Monday, October 23, 2006

How of ya'll been

I think I have aquired a new virus. It's called blog-neglectitus. I don't know what my problem is. I just find it hard to come up with something to post. It's not like my life is that uneventfull. I read Dana's religously and i really enjoy it. It feels like most of the stuff that I would put in my blog she has already done or done it better. She and along with a few other people have been giving me a hard time for not writting so I'm going to try and start up again.

I have had so much happen in the last few months I don't even know where to start. So I wont bother you with the details. Dana keeps a very nice blog and you can get any info from there.

My Olivia (that is now 100% potty trained) is turning 5 on Sunday. I can't believe she is so big. I feel old. I look back sometimes and try to remember some of the things that she did as an infant and it's hard. I love her sooo much and i don't think her and I have a strong enough bond. At least as strong as i want it to be. I need to take her out for for her doing a good job with the potty. This is going to be the first time in 5 years that Dana and I haven't had to purchase two sets of diapers. That is going to be nice. She wants a doll for her birthday that My dad has already purchased. Its called baby alive. You can check it out here. This thing will actually take a dump. How nice huh.

I think I'm going to quit fantasy football. I love and hate it. In one of my leagues I'm doing pretty good i can't complain except that it's not a big money league. In fact we all talked about our league costing either 10 or 20 dollars a person but I dont know if anything was set. We were supossed to put something in but who knows. One of my other leagues with by bro jeff Im doing ok in also, middle of the pack, but the worst is my work league. I had what i thought was a great team. After i started the season with my qb getting neggitive pts and shawn alexander getting hurt. Im just very frustrated. Losing game that I should win is all.

Got to go


~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

WOW! Nice blog entry! I've missed you! Olivia LOVES her Daddy. For the record though, Olivia was wearing pull ups not diapers. That sounded pretty bad that a 5 year old was still in diapers.
WELCOME BACK!!!! Keep writing. I love to read your blog XOXOXO

Unknown said...

Nice selective memory. I think we all agreed that it was $20. I'm not good at this stuff, but after tonight, I should be in 2nd place. If I were as good as you, I'd be winning.

Anonymous said...

Hey Eli:

Welcome Back!
You need to harrass Bob for not blogging on our family blog. Great post today! Have a great day!
