Monday, March 17, 2008

Work and kids

You all know what I mean. That's all I seem to do. Don't get me wrong I love my girls dearly and my work, well I guess I don't care for that place much but I just feel as though that's all my life consists of. I wish that I could spend time with my wife. Sometimes I feel like I'm not even married. I'm at work every day till dark and half the time Dana is at work when I get home. This week she is working a lot of hours and with me going to Buffalo last week I won't get to see her but in passing for a couple weeks. That really sucks! Dana is my best friend and soul mate and spending that much time with out her in my everyday life is something I would never want to get used to. Our lives as of the last year or so have been pretty hectic with all of our kids injuries Dana going to school and The raising of a one/two yr old. Not to mention my hours that fluctuate like they do. I want some stability in our lives so that we can plan thing out go places and spend more time together. I'm sorry if i sound like I'm whining or feeling sorry for myself, I guess I really miss Dana. I love you honey!!


~Mrs. DCS RN~ said...

AWWW! I love you too and I miss you more than you could know! XOXO

Someday baby....someday!

Anonymous said...

Very fine......